Join the revolution of circus kids!  This is a new program that will continue to grow.  Tell us about your child and we'll work on getting them started!


Book your child's Birthday Party with us and see how you can make any theme end in CIRCUS...Unicorn Circus, Star Wars Circus, Lego Circus, Paris Circus, Teddy Bear many ideas!

Teacher Training

We are growing fast which means we are building our team fast.  See what opportunities are available from circus arts, dance, conditioning, flexibility instructors and more!

Since 1993


Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for children to express themselves through circus arts, dance, gymnastics, fitness and more!

Whether your child does traditional sports or you are desperate to help them find their passion in an activity that will keep them be active and healthy, FIT & FLY KIDS is the place to be.  Children build strength, agility and master some amazing skills over time which helps to transform their confidence and overall health.

Let your kid have fun climbing, jumping, swinging, bending, lifting, spinning and most of all let them LEARN TO FLY!


Next Steps...

Feeling like you have so many questions...give us a call!